Digital and information technologies

With an investment of 10.5 million euros, six projects are starting aimed at increasing Dutch digital resilience. These studies, resulting from the Knowledge and Innovation Covenant (KIC), focus on knowledge development and innovations to counter cybercrime and harmful actions by foreign actors. Researchers collaborate with public and private parties, with private investors contributing 1.5 million and NWO financing almost 9 million. In practice, the projects strengthen the availability, integrity and confidentiality of digital systems, essential for a safe and autonomous digital Netherlands.

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Toegewezen projecten

  1. EGOS: Effective Governance for cybersecurity and Online Safety - dr. ir. C. Hernandez Ganan, TU Delft
  2. NEPTARGOS: Nautical Empowerment for Proactive Threat Analysis and Resilience with Guardian Oversight Systems- Tilburg Universiteit
  3. Improved Secure Semiconductor Evaluation (ISSE): From Lab Techniques to Legal Frameworks - dr. K. Papagiannopoulos, Universiteit van Amsterdam
  4. Building on Digital Identity - dr. R.J.W. Sluis-Thiescheffer, HAN University of Applied Sciences
  5. From ‘what went wrong?’ to ‘what works well?’: Using Safety 2 principles to develop new cybersecurity solutions - dr. T. van Steen, Universiteit Leiden
  6. Find2Fix: reducing software errors using transparent AI - dr. ir. S.E. Verwer, TU Delft

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Digital and information technologies