Broadly supported programs are long-term programs of current innovations that are relevant to many KIC partners.

For current innovations that are relevant to many KIC partners, long-term programs were developed in the past by KIA ST: Broadly Supported Programs (BGPs). BGPs have a scientific basis in one or more key technologies, with one or more application domains, and they can count on the support and (financial) commitment of one or more partners within the Knowledge and Innovation Covenant (KIC). A number of these programmes have been developed further as applications for the National Growth Fund.
Medical technology offers huge opportunities for human health, care and the economy. BGP MedTechNL wants to enable this vision of the future with medical technology, with demand-driven care concepts that revolutionise the quality, staffing and affordability of health and care. With a leading medical technology ecosystem, MedTechNL is committed to keeping people out of hospitals and reducing healthcare costs. Its activities focus on three pillars.