MedTechNL Advanced materials Photonics and optical technologies Quantum technologies Digital and information technologies Chemical technologies Nanotechnology Life science and biotechnologies Engineering and fabrication technologies

As Holland High Tech, together with all those involved in the Knowledge and Innovation Agenda (KIA) Key Technologies, we contribute to the programming of innovations on all relevant high-tech topics. For the key technologies, we do this primarily on the technologies that are identified as the most important in the National Technology Strategy. The National Technology Strategy was approved today in the Council of Ministers on the proposal of Minister Micky Adriaansens (Economic Affairs and Climate).

Prioritize ten crucial technologies for the economy, society and security

Entrepreneurs, researchers and government have jointly listed which technologies and markets offer the greatest opportunities for the Netherlands. By investing in these technologies, we strengthen (future) earning capacity, tackle unwanted dependencies and social challenges and make technological leadership feasible.

Minister Adriaansens:

We have to make choices because we are increasingly confronted with all kinds of scarcities in the areas of energy, raw materials/semi-finished products, personnel and space. Other countries are also strategically investing in innovative technologies. With a strong knowledge economy, the Netherlands has a leading position as a trading and innovation country. With this strategy and targeted investments we can continue to do so in the future. That is of great importance for a liveable and safe Netherlands, but also because we first have to earn to be able to distribute.

The ambitions for these ten technologies have been developed separately, including an objective that the Netherlands must achieve by 2035. Such as being a global leader in the development and production of integrated photonics or being in the EU leading group in the manufacturing and commercialization of quantum technology. The ten technologies in which Dutch companies and knowledge institutions can take advantage of the most opportunities in the coming years are:

  1. optica and integrated photonics
  2. quantum
  3. green chemical production processes
  4. biotechnology focused on molecules and cells
  5. imaging technology
  6. (opto)mechatronics (industrial systems/machines and equipment)
  7. artificial intelligence (AI) and data
  8. energiymaterials
  9. semiconductors
  10. cybersecurity

Key Enabling Technologies

Key technologies are technology areas where the Netherlands has a strong scientific position and where major social and economic impact is expected in the coming years. These technologies are widely applicable in (future) innovations and sectors. They are part of the government's mission-driven innovation policy and play an important role in the so-called Knowledge and Innovation Agendas (KIAs) and the Knowledge and Innovation Covenant (KIC) in which the business community, knowledge institutions, governments and other organizations jointly contribute 5.7 billion euros annually. focusing on innovation.

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MedTechNL Advanced materials Photonics and optical technologies Quantum technologies Digital and information technologies Chemical technologies Nanotechnology Life science and biotechnologies Engineering and fabrication technologies