Exceed | experimenteeromgevingen

In October 2023, the Knowledge and Innovation Covenant (KIC) 2020-2023 launched the mission-driven call 'Learning from physical experimental environments'. One project on transformative methodologies for innovation and learning has been funded.

About the call

The call 'Learning from physical experimental environments' explicitly focused on synthesizing knowledge and insights across physical experimental environments. To synthesize knowledge, insight into the suitability of experimental environments and applicability of innovations and methods is needed. The following project illustrates these important components.

Approved project

EXTRA. From EXperiment to sustainable change. TRANSformative methodologies for innovation and learning.

Mission-driven physical experimentation and learning (PHELE) is crucial for advancing broad prosperity and a competitive and sustainable economy. In PHELEs, a diverse group of change agents including researchers, government agencies, industry partners, NGOs and citizens co-create and test new technologies, products and processes, as well as new governance and regulatory frameworks, financing and collaboration strategies and monitoring systems. The aim is to mainstream and embed these innovations. However, fragmented knowledge and the lack of proven methodologies for effectively and responsibly mainstreaming PHELEs leave change agents uncertain about scaling up the impact of their innovations for sustainable change. A crucial question is how diverse change agents can amplify the transformative potential of learning through and across PHELEs. In this project, a consortium will scientifically innovate PHELE research to produce actionable knowledge and tools.

Read more and view all applicants

Exceed | experimenteeromgevingen