Chemical technologies

Chemical technologies can contribute to the energy transition, for example by using green electricity for chemical production. Researchers from the Material Sciences lectorate of Zuyd University of Applied Sciences and CHILL are working on this in the RaakPro project Light-Up. Together with companies and the University of Amsterdam, they have developed an automated platform for photoflow chemical production. With success, because a follow-up project for further scaling up has now started.


The industry must be climate neutral by 2050, partly through the reuse of materials and the use of ‘green’ energy. For the production of fine chemicals and pharmaceuticals, the chemical industry can contribute to this with photoflow chemistry. In this case, production is driven by powerful lamps that can be powered by green electricity. In the past twenty years, the academic world has developed knowledge about photoflow chemistry on a lab scale. The challenge now is to take this knowledge to a larger scale. Zuyd University of Applied Sciences has taken up this challenge in the Light-Up project in collaboration with companies and the University of Amsterdam. The chemical key technologies that have been used for this include (bio)process technology/process intensification, (advanced) reactor technology, analytical technologies and electricity-driven chemical reaction technologies.

Gino van Strijdonck, lecturer in Material Sciences, Zuyd University of Applied Sciences:

Chemelot (chemical industrial estate in South Limburg, where Zuyd University of Applied Sciences is also located, ed.) has the ambition to be the most sustainable chemistry and materials hub that is competitive and safe by 2050. By linking innovation to education, we help to realize this ambition.

Although no end products can be made in chemical university research, there is great added value in demonstrating that innovative technologies work. We also use the research to bring more employees of the future into contact with these technologies.

Sam Castermans, researcher at CHILL:

Automated flow chemistry is a promising technology for the energy transition.


Over a period of two years, students selected and assembled commercial equipment to build a setup for photoflow chemistry. This setup is controlled from a computer with safety protocols based on safety studies by the students. Part of the setup are two instruments for in-line analysis. The results of these instruments help us to optimize the process very quickly using machine-learning algorithms. We hope to show that photoflow chemistry can be performed on a larger scale than lab scale. In this way, we want to show that industrial implementation is not difficult.

Automated setup for flow chemistry, including in-line analysis. The setup consists of pumps, reactor, thermostat, back-pressure regulator and Raman and NMR spectrometer.

Koen Quaedflieg, student Zuyd Academy Applied Science:

To quote Shakespeare: ‘To automate, or not to automate; that’s no longer the question.’ With switching valves, automation is so simple. It would be a shame not to use it – it saves me time and makes life more efficient for society.


The current setup does not yet contain a lamp, but a new design that does contain a lamp is already available. A follow-up project, SPRONG CONNECT with a consortium of more than twenty partners, has been awarded to continue the research. The ultimate goal is to demonstrate on a pilot scale (kg/day production) that photoflow chemistry can be implemented industrially.

Tim den Hartog, principal investigator Zuyd University of Applied Sciences and project leader Light-Up:

We are very pleased that we have been given the confidence to continue the development in SPRONG CONNECT and to be able to demonstrate new technologies on a larger scale than the lab. Examples of this are of great importance to reduce implementation risks for business investments. The mix of automation, machine learning and chemistry is a very powerful one to develop the new cleaner chemical processes of the future.

Companies, researchers and students must then work together to bring together the knowledge that is spread across multiple partners. Because that is what we have learned in this project: building automated setups is certainly possible, but requires a lot of fragmented knowledge. You cultivate close cooperation by setting goals together and arousing interest in companies to train people and to introduce their techniques to young talent in an accessible way.

Isabela Ramalho Rezende Diniz, student UFMG Minas Gerais Brazil:

This project has great significance for me and for society. On a personal level, it offers me an incredible opportunity for professional and personal growth, as I have access to cutting-edge research laboratories and the chance to contribute to innovative solutions. On a societal level, the project has broad applications in various industrial sectors, including chemicals and pharmaceuticals, and stimulates progress in efficiency and sustainability. Furthermore, it aligns with the European Union’s goal of becoming climate neutral by 2050. Light-Up also supports the transition to greener technologies and more sustainable processes, which are crucial to addressing the global climate crisis.

Researchers, from left to right: Isabela Ramalho Rezende Diniz, Koen Quaedflieg, Tim den Hartog and Jeroen Welzen.


This research is co-financed by Regieorgaan SIA, part of the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO). It is being carried out by researchers Tim den Hartog (project leader) and Evelien Baeten from the Zuyd Material Sciences lectorate under the supervision of lector Gino van Strijdonck.

The Light-Up project includes the participation of SMEs from industry: Beartree Automation, CHILL, De Heer, Innosyn, Peschl Ultraviolet and Swagelok. Larger consortium partners are TNO, Mettler Toledo Autochem, Brightlands Chemelot Campus and Chemtrix. In addition, professor of Flow Chemistry Timothy Noël from the University of Amsterdam is involved in the research. Signify supports the development from the follow-up project SPRONG CONNECT.

Chemical technologies